For more than half a decade Wise Notes has been offering valuable help to the CU English Honours students with their studies.
This year Wise Notes brings the CU English Honours Question Paper 2019 CC - 2 for First Semester for the first time on the internet.
Our team takes pride in collecting, creating & publishing quality study materials and notes for the students. We had created a highly influential and helpful range of premium English Honours notes designed for the Calcutta University English Honours students called 'Wise Notes'.
Wise Notes has a collection of high quality and definite notes along with a wide range of answers to the questions usually asked in the Calcutta University English Honours examinations. Do scroll down to know more about the Wise Notes.
Paper : CC - 2
Full Marks- 65
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
(Answer within 600 words)
1. (a) To what effect does Homer employed the Invocation in the first two books of The Iliad ? Discuss. 15
(b) Write a note on the character of Agamemnon as revealed in Books I and II of The Iliad. 15
2. (a) Would you agree with the view that Sophocles' Oedipus the King is a tragedy of destiny? give reasons for your answer. 15
(b) Discuss the role of Jocasta in shaping the course of events in Sophocles' play Oedipus. 15
(Answer within 600 words)
3. (a) Describe the events leading to the rejection of Echo by Narcissus. what was its final outcome. 15
(b) Narrate the story of Actaeon's transformation in Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book-III. 15
4. (a) Critically analyse the women characters in Plautus' the Pot of Gold. 15
(b) How does Plautus use the classical conventions of comedy in the Pot of Gold? 15
(c) What, according to Horace, is the moral purpose of satire? Discuss, with reference to Horace's Satires 1:IV. 15
(d) What does Horace say about his upbringing in his 'Satires I:IV' ? 15
5. Answer the following questions : 1x5
(a) What favour does Thetis ask of Zeus?
(b) Name the three goddesses who lay claim to the golden apple.
(c) Why was Creon sent to Delphi?
(d) How did Semele's baby survive?
(e) By whom was Phaedria ravished?
What, according to Horace, is the stating point of all knowledge?
Now have a look at 2019 First Semester CC -1. Click Here.
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Wise Notes is available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.
We also provide high quality C.U. English Honours notes with our exceptional collection called 'Wise Notes'. Buy it and boost your preparation for the upcoming examination. Wise Notes are available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.
What You Can Do To Get An "Edge"
The goal of your studies is to score better.
You can only do it when your preparation is better.
Therefore we created Wise Notes.
Designed for CU English Honours students.
It brings high-quality notes covering the complete syllabus for you.
Wise Notes is available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.
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We also provide high quality C.U. English Honours notes with our exceptional collection called 'Wise Notes'. Buy it and boost your preparation for the upcoming examination. Wise Notes are available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.
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