
Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Career options for CU English Honours students

English honours is one of the most sought out choices among the students while pursuing under-graduation degree. Most of the students pursue English honours degree as a passion and some in peer pressure or without giving much due thought. However, not everyone know that this B.A. degree course offers the highest number of career options which can't be found in any other degree course.

This course isn't about improving your hold on the English language through better understanding of grammar or honing the vocabulary. Rather it helps in understanding the development of the English language along with the subsequent rise of the literature across the different ages. Students usually has to go through a number of drama, poetry, plays, short stories, novels and plays to understand how the language and literature has evolved over the course time and what impact it had over society and culture as a whole.

Here are some career options which you can go for after the completion of the English Honours degree course.

Career for English Honours

Career for English Honours

Career for English Honours

Career for English Honours

Career for English Honours
As you begin your career you will get to learn a lot about how to write for the specific business. Being an English Honours graduate you will be able to offer grammatically correct content and with your creative writing skills you will be able to hit the right pace. All these jobs are expected to offer a fresher salary of Rs. 10,000 to Rs.15,000 and with a little bit of experience you can earn a handsome salary in time. There are more career options for English Honours graduates which we will be updating in our next blog.

If you are a student still pursuing English Honours under University of Calcutta and wish to get a better understanding in studying for the university examination then check out premium notes collection below.

Wise Notes is available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.

Boost Your CU English Honours Preparation with Wise Notes
We also provide high quality C.U. English Honours notes with our exceptional collection called 'Wise Notes'. Buy it and boost your preparation for the upcoming examination. Wise Notes are available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.

Eager to buy Wise Notes: Click Here.
Wish to know more about Wise Notes: Click Here.        
Get in touch with us for more information: Click Here.

Monday, 22 March 2021

CU English Honours Syllabus - Second Semester 2021

CU English Honours syllabus for the Second Semester students.

Second Semester students under the University of Calcutta pursuing English Honours usually finds it tough to get a good grasp of the course they are about to study. Having a firm understanding of the syllabus allows a student to frame a good study plan which enables them to get through the course in due time. Here we are putting across the Second Semester syllabus for all the CU English Honours students. Kindly have a look at the CU English Honours syllabus.

SEMESTER 2: CC3, CC4, AECC2 (ENVS), GE2 (From Other Subject)
Course Details
The Marks Division is as Follows:
End Semester - 65
Tutorial - 15
Internal - 10
Attendance - 10

 CC3 (Semester - 2, CODE-ENG-A-CC-2-4-TH/TU)

Indian Writing in English - 6 Credits
(5 Credits Theory and 1 Credit Tutorial)


Henry Louis Vivian Derozio, 'To Indian, My Native Land'
Toru Dutt, 'Our Causuarina Tree'
Kamala Das, 'Introduction'
A.K. Ramanujan, 'River'
Nissim Ezekiel, 'Enterprise'
Jayanta Mahapatra, 'Dawn at Puri'


Mahesh Dattani, 'Bravely Fought The Queen'

End Semester Question pattern:
Objective - 5 marks
Two questions of 15 marks each from poetry (out of four)
One question of 15 marks from novel (out of two)
One question of 15 marks from drama (out of two)

Recommended Reading:
1. Raja Rao, Foreword to Kanthapura (New Delhi: OUP, 1989) pp.
2.  Salman Rushdie, ‘Commonwealth Literature does not exist’, in Imaginary Homelands (London: Granta Books, 1991) pp. 61–70.
3. Meenakshi Mukherjee, ‘Divided by a Common Language’, in The Perishable Empire (New Delhi: OUP, 2000) pp.187–203.
4. Bruce King, ‘Introduction’, in Modern Indian Poetry in English (New Delhi: OUP, 2nd edn, 2005) pp. 1–10
5. Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, A Concise History of Indian Writing in English, Ranikhet: Permanent Black

CU English Honours Syllabus

CC4 (Semester - 2, CODE-ENG-A-CC-2-4-TH/TU)
British Poetry and Drama (14th - 17th Century - 6 Credits
(5 Credits Theory and 1 Credit Tutorial)

Social and Intellectual Background


Geoffrey Chaucer, 'Wife of Bath's Prologue'
Edmund Spenser, 'One Day I Wrote Her Name'
William Shakespeare, Sonnets 18 & 130
John Donne, 'The Good Morrow'
Andrew Marvell, 'To His Coy Mistress'


Ovid, Selections from Metamorphosis, 'Bacchus' (Book III)
Christopher Marlowe, Edward II OR William Shakespeare, Macbeth 
William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night OR As You Like It

End Semester Question pattern:
Objective - 5 marks 
Two questions of 15 marks each from poetry (out of three)
Two questions of 15 marks each (one from each) from drama (out of four, two from each)

Suggested Readings:
1. Pico Della Mirandola, excerpts from the Oration on the Dignity of Man, in The Portable Renaissance Reader, ed. James Bruce Ross and Mary Martin McLaughlin (New York: Penguin Books, 1953) pp. 476–9.
2. John Calvin, ‘Predestination and Free Will’, in The Portable Renaissance Reader, ed. James Bruce Ross and Mary Martin McLaughlin (New York: Penguin Books, 1953) pp. 704–11.
3. Baldassare Castiglione, ‘Longing for Beauty’ and ‘Invocation of Love’, in Book 4 of The Courtier, ‘Love and Beauty’, tr. George Bull (Harmondsworth: Penguin, rpt. 1983) pp. 324–8, 330–5.
4. Philip Sidney, An Apology for Poetry, in D.J. Enright and Ernst D. Chickera eds. English Critical Texts, Delhi: OUP

Now you have got your hold on the latest CU English Honours Semester-wise syllabus for the Second semester. Begin your study with confidence. 

If you are looking for high-quality study materials and notes for the college and university hen don't forget to buy our Exclusive Wise Notes. You will get more than 130 notes covering the complete syllabus of the Semester I and II at a highly affordable price. 

Wise Notes is available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.
Boost Your CU English Honours Preparation with Wise Notes
We also provide high quality C.U. English Honours notes with our exceptional collection called 'Wise Notes'. Buy it and boost your preparation for the upcoming examination. Wise Notes are available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.

Eager to buy Wise Notes: Click Here.
Wish to know more about Wise Notes: Click Here.        
Get in touch with us for more information: Click Here.

Sunday, 21 March 2021

CU English Honours Syllabus - First Semester 2021

First Semester students under the University of Calcutta pursuing English Honours usually finds it tough to get a good grasp of the course they are about to study. Having a firm understanding of the syllabus allows a student to frame a good study plan which enables them to get through the course in due time. Here we are putting across the First Semester syllabus for all the CU English Honours students. Kindly have a look at the CU English Honours syllabus.

SEMESTER 1: CC1, CC2, AECC1 (Communicative English/MIL), GE1 (From Other Subject)

Course Details
The Marks Division is as Follows:
End Semester - 65
Tutorial - 15
Internal - 10
Attendance - 10

 CC1 (Semester - I, CODE-ENG-A-CC-1-1TH/TU)

History of Literature and Philology - 6 Credits
(5 Credits Theory and 1 Credit Tutorial)

Group A : History of Literature 
Section 1:
Unit A - Old English Heroic Poetry, Old English Prose and Chaucer
Unit B - Elizabethan Sonnets, University Wits & Ben Jonson
Unit C- Restoration Comedy of Manners and Eighteenth Century Novels

Section 2:
Unit D- Pre-Romantic Poetry and Romantic Non-fiction Prose
Unit E - Victorian Novel and the Pre-Raphaelites
Unit F- Modern Novel : Joseph Conrad, Virginia Woolf, James Joyce
             Modern Poetry : T.S.Eliot, W.B. Yeats, Dylan Thomas
             Modern Drama : Samuel Beckett, Harold Pinter, John Osborne

End Semester Question pattern:
Objective 5 marks from Section 1
One question of 10 marks from Section 1 (out of 3, 1 from each unit)
One question of 5 marks from Section 1 (out of 3, 1 from each unit)

Objective 5 marks from Section 2
One question of 10 marks from Section 2 (out of 3, 1 from each unit)
One question of 5 marks from Section 2 (out of 3, 1 from each unit)

Recommended Reading:
Andrew Sanders: The Short Oxford History of English Literature
Edward Albert: History of English Literature
Michael Alexander: A History of English Literature
G.M. Trevelyan: English Social History
Bibhash Choudhury: English Social and Cultural History

Group B : Philology 
Section 1: Latin Influence, Scandinavian Influence, French Influence, Americanism

Section 2: Consonant Shift and Word Formation Processes (Shortening, Back-Formation, Derivations), Short NOtes (Hybridism, Monosyllabism, Free & Fixed Compounds, Malapropism, ing-formation, Johnsonese)

End Semester Question pattern:
One question of 10 marks from Section 1 (out of three)

One question of 10 marks out of two, and one question of 5 marks out of two from Section 2

Suggested Readings:
1. Otto Jespersen: Growth and Structure of the English Language (Chapters 4, 5, 6, 8, 10)
2. C.L. Wren: The English Language (Chapters 6 & 7)
3. A.C. Baugh: A History of English Language
4. C.L. Barber: The Story of Language

CU English Honours Syllabus

 CC2 (Semester - I, CODE-ENG-A-CC-1-1TH/TU)

European Classical Literature - 6 Credits
(5 Credits Theory and 1 Credit Tutorial)

Group A : Social and Intellectual Background

Group B: 

Homer, The Iliad (Books I and II) translated by E.V. Rieu
Sophocles, Oedipus the King, in The Three Theban Plays, translated by Robert Fagles

Group C: 

Ovid, Selections from Metamorphosis, 'Bacchus' (Book III)
Plautus, Pot of Gold, translated by E.F. Watling 
Horace, Satires, I:IV in Horace:Satires and Epistles and Persius, translated Niall Rudd, Penguin, 2005

End Semester Question pattern:
Objective - 5 marks ( from Group B and Group C)

Two questions of 15 marks (one from each text) from Group B (out of four, two from each text)

Two questions of 15 marks (one from each text) from Group B (out of four, two from each text)

Suggested Readings:
1. S.H. Butcher, Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine art, New Delhi: Kalyani Publishers
2. Aristotle/Horace/Longinus: Classical Literary Criticism, translated with an Introduction by T.S. Dorsch, London: Penguin Books

Now you have got your hold on the latest CU English Honours Semester-wise syllabus for the First semester. Begin your study with confidence. 

If you are looking for high-quality study materials and notes for the college and university hen don't forget to buy our Exclusive Wise Notes. You will get more than 130 notes covering the complete syllabus of the Semester I and II at a highly affordable price. 

Wise Notes is available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.
Boost Your CU English Honours Preparation with Wise Notes
We also provide high quality C.U. English Honours notes with our exceptional collection called 'Wise Notes'. Buy it and boost your preparation for the upcoming examination. Wise Notes are available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.

Eager to buy Wise Notes: Click Here.
Wish to know more about Wise Notes: Click Here.        
Get in touch with us for more information: Click Here.

Friday, 12 March 2021

C.U. English Honours First Semester Question Paper 2019 [CC-2]

For more than half a decade Wise Notes has been offering valuable help to the CU English Honours students with their studies. 

This year Wise Notes brings the CU English Honours Question Paper 2019 CC - 2 for First Semester for the first time on the internet.

Our team takes pride in collecting, creating & publishing quality study materials and notes for the students. We had created a highly influential and helpful range of premium English Honours notes designed for the Calcutta University English Honours students called 'Wise Notes'. 

Wise Notes has a collection of high quality and definite notes along with a wide range of answers to the questions usually asked in the Calcutta University English Honours examinations. Do scroll down to know more about the Wise Notes. 

Paper : CC - 2
Full Marks- 65

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
 Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

(Answer within 600 words)

1. (a) To what effect does Homer employed the Invocation in the first two books of The Iliad ? Discuss.                                 15
(b) Write a note on the character of Agamemnon as revealed in Books I and II of The Iliad.              15

2. (a) Would you agree with the view that Sophocles' Oedipus the King is a tragedy of destiny? give reasons for your answer.                                                                                                                        15
(b) Discuss the role of Jocasta in shaping the course of events in Sophocles' play Oedipus.                                                                                                                                                15

(Answer within 600 words)

3. (a) Describe the events leading to the rejection of Echo by Narcissus. what was its final outcome.  15
(b) Narrate the story of Actaeon's transformation in Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book-III.     15

4. (a) Critically analyse the women characters in Plautus' the Pot of Gold.                     15
(b) How does Plautus use the classical conventions of comedy in the Pot of Gold?          15
(c) What, according to Horace, is the moral purpose of satire? Discuss, with reference to Horace's Satires 1:IV.                                                                                                                       15
(d) What does Horace say about his upbringing in his 'Satires I:IV' ?                              15

5. Answer the following questions :                      1x5

(a) What favour does Thetis ask of Zeus?
(b) Name the three goddesses who lay claim to the golden apple.
(c) Why was Creon sent to Delphi?
(d) How did Semele's baby survive?
(e) By whom was Phaedria ravished?
What, according to Horace, is the stating point of all knowledge?

Now have a look at 2019 First Semester CC -1. Click Here.

What You Can Do To Get An "Edge"
The goal of your studies is to score better.
You can only do it when your preparation is better.

Therefore we created Wise Notes.

Designed for CU English Honours students. 

It brings high-quality notes covering the complete syllabus for you.

Wise Notes is available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.
Boost Your CU English Honours Preparation with Wise Notes
We also provide high quality C.U. English Honours notes with our exceptional collection called 'Wise Notes'. Buy it and boost your preparation for the upcoming examination. Wise Notes are available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.

Eager to buy Wise Notes: Click Here.
Wish to know more about Wise Notes: Click Here.        
Get in touch with us for more information: Click Here.

Sunday, 7 March 2021

CU English Honours 1st Semester Exam Routine 2021

Dear English Honours Students,

Are you looking for University of Calcutta Exam Schedule 2021. 
Then you are at the right place. Here find the latest CU English Honours 1st Semester Exam routine.

Check out the new list of CU exam dates very carefully and prepare for the exams.

The Schedule or Routine for B.A. English Honours 1st Semester Examinations 2021.

Just few weeks has been left for the English Honours exams. It is high time for the students to jump start their study preparation in order to get good marks.

You can download this CU Exam 2021 routine on your mobile phones to keep a good eye on the upcoming exams.

Over the years we worked earnestly to bring a high quality set of premium notes for the English honours students with our brand 'Wise Notes'.
For more information and help kindly reach out to us at

Do remember that Wise Notes brings Best Notes for English Honours under Calcutta University for 2021 Exam.

Boost Your CU English Honours Preparation with Wise Notes
We also provide high quality C.U. English Honours notes with our exceptional collection called 'Wise Notes'. Buy it and boost your preparation for the upcoming examination. Wise Notes are available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.

Eager to buy Wise Notes: Click Here.
Wish to know more about Wise Notes: Click Here.        
Get in touch with us for more information: Click Here.