
Wednesday, 11 February 2015

C.U. English Honours PART-II Question Paper 2014 [Fourth Paper]

Fourth Paper
Full Marks-100

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
1.       Answer any one of the following questions: (within 600 words)    16x1                                                                                              
a)      Comment on Jane Austen’s treatment of the theme of marriage in Pride and Prejudice.
b)      Pride and Prejudice has been called a ‘comedy of manners’. Do you agree with this view? Justify your answer.
c)       Write a note on Scott’s treatment of history in Kenilworth
d)      Illustrate Scott’s art of characterization, focusing on any two characters in Kenilworth
2. Answer any one of the following questions: (within 600 words)    16x1       
a)      Comment on Lamb’s style as an essayist with reference to the prescribed essay.
b)      Discuss Orwell’s views about imperialism in Shooting an Elephant.
 3. Explain with reference to the context. Any one of the following phrases: (within 300 words)  8x1
a)      “….. for Naturall Abilities are like Naturall Plants, that need Proyning by Study”.
b)      Had I a little son, I would christen him, Nothing-To-Do, he should do nothing.

4. Write note (in around 200 words each) on any two of the following literary terms.      5 x 2
a.       Picaresque Novel
b.      Point of view
c.       Theme
d.      Short Story
5. Answer any two of the following questions: (each within 600 words)                                                16 X 2
a)      Discuss the significance of the title of James Joyce’s Araby.
b)      Analyse the use of symbols in Bate’s short story The Ox.
c)       Would you consider The Fly to be a complex short story with no rigid meaning? Give reasons for your answer.
5. Answer any one of the following questions: (within 700 words)                                          18 X 1
a)      Examine the role of Leggat in Conrad’s The Secret Sharer.
d)      Comment on Conrad’s narrative strategy in The Secret Sharer.

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