Students should understand that most of the books prescribed by the Calcutta University (C.U.) for all the three years of English Honours course had been in circulations for a really long time. After each decade some of these books are changed but not all of it. The University of Calcutta had recently revised its syllabus in 2010. And no new questions are formed at all. If there is a new question in the exam, then it is just same question which is being 'asked in a different manner'. Then why they do it?
To test your knowledge and 'question interpretation skills'.
Most of the C.U. English Honours books have just three to five major questions which are repeated after a gap of two years.
Take for example 'Rape of the Lock'.
There are few major important questions like :
- Rape of the Lock as mock-epic.
- Character of Belinda
- The Eighteenth Century Society
- Game of Ombre
- Toilette Scene
- Use Of Supernatural Machinery
Here are the lists of questions from C.U. English Honours Paper-II
Rape of the Lock [14
- Critically examine Pope’s “The Rape of The Lock” as a mock epic. [2012]
- Comment on the Pope’s treatment of Belinda in The Rape of The Lock. [2012]
- Show how Pope’s use of the ‘machinery’ of the sylphs in “The Rape of The Lock” heightens both the satire and the poetry. [2011]
- Belinda’s toilette mirrors the position and folly of eighteenth century high society. [2011]
- Do you agree with the view that The Rape of the Lock is a balanced critique of eighteenth century society? Give reasons for your answer. [2010]
- Examine The Rape of the Lock as a mock epic poem. [2010]
- Do you think that the introduction of Ariel and the sylphs heightens the artistic effect of The Rape of the Lock? Give reasons for your answer. [2009]
- Consider Pope’s treatment of Belinda with critical reference to the toilet scene in The Rape of the Lock, Canto 1. [2009]
- Show how Pope ‘at once’ delights and lashes the age in The Rape of the Lock. [2008]
- How successful is Pope’s attempt at the hero-comical? Discuss with particular reference to the first three cantos of The Rape f the Lock. [2008]
Paradise Lost [14
- In “Paradise Lost”, Book I Milton uses a number of epic conventions. Discuss. [2012]
- What idea do you form of Satan from your reading of his speeches in “Paradise Lost”, Book I? ’ [2012]
- Comment on the Invocation to “Paradise Lost”, Book I. [2011]
- Show how Milton in “Paradise Lost”, Book I, never lets us forget that despite his heroic stature and grand rhetoric, Satan s essentially the ‘infernal serpent’ [2011]
- Comment on the Milton’s description of Hell in Paradise Lost, Book 1. [2010]
- Discuss Milton’s use of epic similes in Book 1 of Paradise Lost and sow how they are elated to this theme. [2010]
- Is Satan I Paradise Lost, Book 1, a portrait of absolute evil, or a figure of human contradictions? [2009]
- The greatness of Paradise Lost lies in Milton elevated style. Illustrate from Book 1. [2009]
- Discuss with particular reference to Paradise Lost Book 1, Milton’s use of traditional epic devices in his poem. [2008]
- Write a note on Milton’s presentation of Beelzebub and Belial in Paradise Lost Book [2008]
List of Questions from Poems of C.U. English Honours Paper-II.
Good Morrow & To
His Coy Mistress [14 marks]
- “John Donne’s The Good Morrow is an unconventional love poem”. Discuss? [2012]
- How does Marvell treat the ‘carpe diem’ theme in “To His Coy Mistress”? [2011]
- Consider Donne’s “The Good Morrow” as a metaphysical poem. [2010]
- Analyse the logical structure of Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress.” [2010]
- Are there any contemporary references in Donne’s The Good Morrow? Cite an instance. [2010]
The Tyger & The
Lamb [14 marks]
- Comment on the Blake use of symbols in “The Lamb” and “The Tiger”. [2012]
- “Did he who made the Lamb make thee?” Explain this line with reference to “The Lamb” and “The Tiger”. [2011]
- How do Blake’s poems The Lamb and The Tyger show the “two contrary states of the human soul”? [2010]
- Examine Blake’s use of symbols in The Lamb and The Tyger. [2010]
- What qualities does Blake ascribe to the Lamb? [2010]
Tintern Abbey [14
- Wordsworth’s ”Tintern Abbey” is an autobiographical poem. Do you agree? Justify your answer. [2012]
- ”Tintern Abbey” records different stages in Wordsworth’s appreciation of Nature. Discuss. [2011]
Kubla Khan [14 marks]
- Critically analyse Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan” as a romantic poem. [2012]
- Can “Kubla Khan” be described as an incoherent poem? Give reasons for your answer. [2011]
Ode to the West Wind
and Ode to a Nightingale [14 marks]
- Show with reference to “Ode to the West Wind”, how Shelly uses objects of nature as vehicles of his own personality and thought. [2011]
- Do you read “Ode to a Nightingale” as a poem of escape or a reflection of the human condition. Give reasons for your answer. [2011]
To a Skylark and Ode
To Autumn [14 marks]
- In ‘To a Skylark’ Shelly tells its reader that his skylark is much more than an ordinary bird. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer. [2012]
- Write critical appreciation of John Keats’s ‘To Autumn’ [2012]
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