Third Paper
Full Marks-100
The figures in the
margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are
required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
(Word Limit 600 words
for Question No.1 and 2)
1. (a) Marlowe’s Edward
II is a study of the ‘irony of kingship’. Do you agree? Give reasons. 16
(b) Comment on Edward
II as a history play.
2. (a)Analyse A Midsummer Night’s Dream as a romantic
(b) Critically examine Shakespeare’s use of the ‘real
world’ and ‘the dream world’ in A
Midsummer Night’s Dream .
3. Explain any one
of the following with reference to the context. (Word Limit 300 words) 8x1
a) Things
base and vile, holding no quantity
Love can transpose to form and
The lunatic, the lover and the poet
Are of imagination all
4. Write on any two
of the following literary terms within 200
words each: 5x2
(Word Limit 600 words
for Question No.5 and 6)
5. (a) Do you think that there is an uneasy mixture of
satire and sentimentality in The Rivals?
Justify your answer.
Or 16
(b)Bring out the dramatic function of the Faulkland-Julia
sub-plot in Sheridan’s The Rivals. 16
6. (a) Write a critical note on the Banquet Scene in the
play Macbeth. 16
(b) Examine the role of the witches in Macbeth. Do you
think that they are the driving spirit behind Macbeth’s crime? 16
7. Explain the following with reference to the context.
(Word Limit 350 words)
a) Had
I died an hour before this chance
I had lived a blessed time.
Yet who would have thought the old man to
have had so much blood in him?
O mercy!-I’m quite analysed for my part!...
d) Madam!
A circulating library in a town is as an evergreen tree, of diabolical
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