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Second Paper
Full Marks-100
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are
required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
1. Answer any one question of the following (in 500 words):
(a) How does Marvell treat the ‘carpe diem’ theme in “To His
Coy Mistress”?
(b) “Did he who made the Lamb make thee?” Explain this line
with reference to “The Lamb” and “The Tiger”.
2. Answer any two questions of the following (each within 500 words): 14X2
(a) ”Tintern Abbey” records different stages in Wordsworth’s
appreciation of Nature. Discuss.
(b) Can “Kubla Khan” be described as an incoherent poem?
Give reasons for your answer.
(c) Show with reference to “Ode to the West Wind”, how
Shelly uses objects of nature as vehicles of his own personality and thought.
(d) Do you read “Ode
to a Nightingale” as a poem of escape or a reflection of the human condition.
Give reasons for your answer.
3. Explain any one of the following with reference to the
context (each in 250 words): 8X1
(a) Where can we find two better hemispheres
sharpe North, without declining West?
(b) Where are the Songs of the Spring? Ay, where are
Think not of
them, thou hast thy music too,…
4. Answer any one question of the following (in 500 words):
(a) Write a critical appreciation of Shakespeare’s Sonnet
no. 87.
(b) Critically examine Shakespeare’s use of imagery and
allusion in Sonnet no. 130.
5. Answer any one
question of the following (in 500 words):
(a)Comment on the Invocation to “Paradise Lost”, Book I.
(b) Show how Milton in “Paradise Lost”, Book I, never lets
us forget that despite his heroic stature and grand rhetoric, Satan s
essentially the ‘infernal serpent’
Group- E
6. Answer any one question of the following (in 450 words):
(a) Show how Pope’s use of the ‘machinery’ of the sylphs in “The
Rape of The Lock” heightens both the satire and the poetry.
(b) Belinda’s toilette mirrors the position and folly of
eighteenth century high society.
7. Write notes (in
around 150 words)on any two of the following literary terms: 4x2
i. 1. Bathos
ii. 2. Symbol
iii. 3. Mock-Epic
4. Rhyme
You can download the MS WORD file of C.U. English Honours Question Paper.
4. Rhyme
You can download the MS WORD file of C.U. English Honours Question Paper.
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