
Sunday, 11 May 2014


Absurdist Theatre : Modern Period                                         [Short Note]

            The idea of Absurd goes back many centuries and can be found even in the Greek culture. For our purposes we can focus on sources of the Absurd-
1.     The Shakespeare in King Lear, Lear’s last scene’s question flung to God and Man; “Why should a dog, a rat, a horse have life and thou no breath at all?” i.e. we live in a world where dogs, rats, horses have life but the good die horribly. There is no relation between cause and effect- we live in arbitrary, violent, inhospitable, hostile universe.
2.     The German Philosopher Friedshin Nietzsche’s discovery God is dead.(Thus Spake Zarathustra).
3.     Dostoyevsky in ‘Brothers Karamazov’.
4.     Albert Camus’ essay The Myth of Sisyphus, where Sisyphus rolls a rock up a steep hill; the rock rolls back down from the top; and Sisyphus has to start all over again. This goes on throughout eternity. This is Camus metaphor for meaninglessness of life.
The Absurdist writer include playwrights mainly but also the novelists as Franz Kafka, Camus, Musil et al. Playwrights include Samuel Beckett, Eugene Ionesco, Jean Genet and later Harold Pinter, Edward Albie et al.

To sum the basic theme and pre-occupation of the Absurdist writer include the violation of traditional beginning, middle and end structures; refusal to tell a straight forward connected story with a proper plot; or disappearance of traditional dramatic forms or techniques. These dramatists were all concerned with the failure of communication in modern society which leaves man alienated. More ever they are all concerned with the lack of individuality and over-emphasis or conformity in our society and they use the dramatic elements of time and plays to imply important ideas. Finally they reject traditional logic for a type of non-logic which ultimately implies something about the nature of the universe. Implicit on many ways of this concern is an attack n a society or a world which possess no set standard of values or behaviour. Essentially, the theatre of Absurd is not a positive drama. It does not try to prove that man can exist in a meaningful world as seen by Camus, Sartre nor does it offer any solution. Instead it demonstrates the absurdity and illogicality of the world we live in.

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Tuesday, 6 May 2014

C.U. English Honours Question Paper 2011 [Second Paper]


Before reaching this Blog []you had already been to various search forums, educational communities, and numerous number of websites looking for QP’s (Question Papers) with no success.
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Second Paper
Full Marks-100
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
1. Answer any one question of the following (in 500 words):                                                               14X1
(a) How does Marvell treat the ‘carpe diem’ theme in “To His Coy Mistress”?
(b) “Did he who made the Lamb make thee?” Explain this line with reference to “The Lamb” and “The Tiger”.
2. Answer any two questions of the following (each within 500 words):                                          14X2
(a) ”Tintern Abbey” records different stages in Wordsworth’s appreciation of Nature. Discuss.
(b) Can “Kubla Khan” be described as an incoherent poem? Give reasons for your answer.
(c) Show with reference to “Ode to the West Wind”, how Shelly uses objects of nature as vehicles of his own personality and thought.
(d)  Do you read “Ode to a Nightingale” as a poem of escape or a reflection of the human condition. Give reasons for your answer.
3. Explain any one of the following with reference to the context (each in 250 words):                   8X1
(a) Where can we find two better hemispheres
      Without sharpe North, without declining West?

(b) Where are the Songs of the Spring? Ay, where are they?
       Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,…

4. Answer any one question of the following (in 500 words):                                                            14X1
(a) Write a critical appreciation of Shakespeare’s Sonnet no. 87.
(b) Critically examine Shakespeare’s use of imagery and allusion in Sonnet no. 130.

5.  Answer any one question of the following (in 500 words):                                                            14X1
(a)Comment on the Invocation to “Paradise Lost”, Book I.
(b) Show how Milton in “Paradise Lost”, Book I, never lets us forget that despite his heroic stature and grand rhetoric, Satan s essentially the ‘infernal serpent’
Group- E
6. Answer any one question of the following (in 450 words):                                                                 14x1
(a) Show how Pope’s use of the ‘machinery’ of the sylphs in “The Rape of The Lock” heightens both the satire and the poetry.
(b) Belinda’s toilette mirrors the position and folly of eighteenth century high society.
7. Write notes (in around 150 words)on any two of the following literary terms:                              4x2
        i.           1.  Bathos
      ii.            2. Symbol
    iii.            3.  Mock-Epic
           4.   Rhyme

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Monday, 5 May 2014

C.U. English Honours Question Paper 2011 [First Paper]


Before reaching this Blog []you had already been to various search forums, educational communities, and numerous number of websites looking for QP’s (Question Papers) with no success.
It is the first time on the internet you are going to find all the years QP’s for English Honours.

3 WAYS OF GETTING C.U. Question Papers:
*      Just copy the given Question Paper and paste it in MS Word. Take Print Out. Easy.
*      You can directly print the whole page by going to the File menu in your browser, and then click on Print.
*      Just DOWNLOAD it from the given Link.

First Paper
Full Marks-100
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
(O.E. Period- 1750)
1. Answer any one of the following (in 600 words):
(a) What are the distinctive features of the war poems of the Old English period?                        16
(b) Write a critical essay on the growth and development of the Elizabethan sonnet.                     16
(c) Examine the conditions of Defoe and Richardson in the development of the 18th Century English novel.                                                                                                                                                     16

2. Write short notes on any two of the following (each in 250 words):                             7X2
(a) Piers Plowman
(b)Deor’s Lament
(c) Sir Philip Sidney
(d)Tottle’s Miscellany
(e)The Way of The World
3. Answer any one of the following (in 600 words):
(a) Write a note on the English Personal essay of the Romantic period with the emphasis on any two essayists of your choice.                                                                                                                   16
(b) Asses the contribution of the women novelists of the Victorian age.                                              16
(c) The tensions of the modern period clearly demanded a new poetic technique. Discuss with reference to any two poets.                                                                                                                                 16

4. Write short notes on any two of the following (each in 250 words):                             7X2
(a) Kenilworth
(b) Gray
(c) Vanity Fair
(d) Walter Pater
(e) W.H. Auden
(f) The Golden Notebook
5. Answer any one of the following (in 450 words):
(a) “An Englishman cannot thrive, be ill or die without Scandinavian words; they are to the language what bread and eggs are to the daily fare.” Discuss.                                                                                    12
(b) Show how French has influenced the English Language.                                                                12
6. Write word notes on any four:                                                                                         2X4
Alms, Church, Earl, Kine, Woman, Handbook, International, Brethen.
Group- C
7. Answer any one of the following (in 450 words):
(a) Write a note on Derivation as means of making new words in English.
(b) How did the Great War of 1914-18 leave its mark on the English language.
8. Answer any one of the following (in 300 words):
(a) Comment on the debt that the English language owes to Milton.                                             8
(b) Examine the influence of the Bible on the English Language.                                                   8
(c) Why is the Consonant Shift important to the modern Philologist?                                            8

You can download the MS WORD file of C.U. English Honours Question Paper.
2011 QP First Paper

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