
Sunday, 11 December 2016

C.U. English Honours PART-II Question Paper 2016 [Fourth Paper]

For the First Time On Internet you are going to get all the question papers for C.U. English Honours Course on a website. We have designed a remarkable product for the Calcutta University English Honours students called Wise Notes and it brings a wide number of answers to the questions usually asked in the Calcutta University examinations. Don't forget to scroll down to know more about the Wise Notes.

Fourth Paper
Full Marks-100
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
     1.    Answer any one of the following questions: (within 600 words)    16x1                                                                                              
a)      Examine the appropriateness of the title of Pride and Prejudice.
Analyse any two comic characters in Pride and Prejudice.
b)      Examine Scott’s Kenilworth as a historical novel. 
Comment on Scott’s narrative art in Kenilworth. 
2. Answer any one of the following questions: (within 600 words)    16x1       
  • a)      Critically comment on the existence of playful and serious elements in The Superannuated Man.
  • b)      Examine Orwell’s attitude to imperialism as expressed in ‘Shooting an Elephant’.
 3. Explain with reference to the context. Any one of the following phrases: (within 300 words)  8x1
  • a)      ....Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.
  • b)      Feelings like these are the normal by-products of imperialism; ask any Anglo-Indian official, if you can catch him off duty.

4. Write note (in around 200 words each) on any two of the following literary terms.      5 x 2
  • a.       Epistolary Novel
  • b.      Theme
  • c.       Plot
  • d.      Irony
5. Answer any two of the following questions: (each within 600 words)                                                16 X 2
  • a)      Comment on the use of symbols in James Joyce’s short story Araby.
  • b)       How does H.E. Bates portray the character of Mrs. Thurlow in ‘The Ox’?
  • c)       Bring out the significance of the meeting between Woodifield and the Boss in The Fly. Group-E
5. Answer any one of the following questions: (within 700 words)                                          18 X 1
  • a)      Comment on Conrad’s narrative art in The Secret Sharer.
  • b)      Critically analyse the theme of The Secret Sharer
If you wish to check out more C.U. English Honours questions papers then give a simple click here

Wise Notes is available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.
Boost Your CU English Honours Preparation with Wise Notes
We also provide high quality C.U. English Honours notes with our exceptional collection called 'Wise Notes'. Buy it and boost your preparation for the upcoming examination. Wise Notes are available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.

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Saturday, 10 December 2016

C.U. English Honours PART-II Question Paper 2016 [Third Paper]

For the First Time On Internet you are going to get all the question papers for C.U. English Honours Course on a website. We have designed a remarkable product for the Calcutta University English Honours students called Wise Notes and it brings a wide number of answers to the questions usually asked in the Calcutta University examinations. Don't forget to scroll down to know more about the Wise Notes.

Third Paper
Full Marks-100
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
(Word Limit 600 words for Question No.1 and 2)
1. (a) Show how the relationship between King Edward II and Queen Isabella determines the movement of Marlowe’s play Edward II.                                                                                                              16
(b) Write a critical commentary on the murder scene (Act V, Sc. V) in Edward II.                     
2. (a)Critically examine Shakespeare’s use of the ‘real world’ and the ‘dream world’ in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.                       16
(b) Analyse the significance of the role of Puck n Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
3. Explain any one of the following with reference to the context. (Word Limit 300 words)         8x1
a)      Sweet prince, I come; these, these thy amorous lines
Might have enforc’d me to have swum from France,
And, like Leander, gasp’d upon the sand,
So thou would’st smile, and take me in thine arms.
b)      The lunatic, the lover and the poet
Are of imagination all compact.
4. Write on any two of the following literary terms within 200 words each:          5x2
Anagnorisis, Chorus, Denouement, Three Unities. 


(Word Limit 600 words for Question No.5 and 6)
5. (a) Do you agree with the view that Sheridan’s The Rivals is, simply, a comedy of character, not a comedy of plot? Give reasons for your answer.                                             16
(b) Examine the significance of the Faulkland-Julia episode in The Rivals.

6. (a) Macbeth is transformed from tyrant into a tragic hero by the end of the play. Discuss.                                            16
(b) Comment on the significance of the Porter scene (II. Iii) in Macbeth.                   16

7. Explain the following with reference to the context. (Word Limit 350 words)                      9x2
a)      Then yield thee, coward,
And live to be the show and gaze o’th’time:
We’ll have thee, as our rarer monsters are,
Painted upon a pole, and underwit,
‘Here may you see the tyrant.’
b)      Had he not resembled
My father as he slep’t of had done’t
c)       Zounds sirrah! The lady shall be as ugly as I choose : she shall have a hump on each shoulder; she shall be crooked as the Crescent; her one eye shall roll like the Bull’s in Cox’s Museum.
d)      O, there’s nothing to be hope for from her! She’s as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of Nile.

If you wish to check out more C.U. English Honours questions papers then give a simple click here.

Wise Notes is available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.
Boost Your CU English Honours Preparation with Wise Notes
We also provide high quality C.U. English Honours notes with our exceptional collection called 'Wise Notes'. Buy it and boost your preparation for the upcoming examination. Wise Notes are available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.

Eager to buy Wise Notes: Click Here.
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Friday, 23 September 2016

C.U. English Honours Part-I Question Paper 2016 [Second Paper]

For the First Time On Internet you are going to get all the question papers for C.U. English Honours Course on a website. We have designed a remarkable product for the Calcutta University English Honours students called Wise Notes and it brings a wide number of answers to the questions usually asked in the Calcutta University examinations. Don't forget to scroll down to know more about the Wise Notes.

Second Paper
Full Marks-100

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

1. Answer any one question of the following (in 500 words):                                                               14X1
(a) Critically analyse the theme and the title of Donne’s “The Good Morrow”.
(b) Examine Blake’s use of symbols in “The Lamb” and “The Tyger”.

2. Answer any two questions of the following (each within 500 words):                                          14X2
(a) Comment on the personal elements in Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”.
(b) What supernatural features does one find in Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan”.
 (c)Comment on the Romantic elements in Shelly’s poem “To A Skylark”.
(d)  How does Keats combine the natural, animal and human worlds in his poem “To Autumn”?

 3. Explain any one of the following with reference to the context (each in 250 words):                   8X1
(a) And yonder all before us lie
      Deserts of vast eternity.

 (b) Be thou, Spirit fierce,
       ‘My spirit ! be thou me impetous one !
        Drive my dead thoughts over the universe
         Like wither’d leaves...........

4. Answer any one question of the following (in 500 words):                                                            14X1
(a) Attempt a critical appreciation of Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 130.
(b) Show how Shakespeare deals with the theme of rejection in “Sonnet No. 87”.

5.  Answer any one question of the following (in 500 words):                                                            14X1
(a) Write a note on the epic conventions in Paradise Lost, Book I.
 (b) Examine Milton’s art of characterization with special reference to either Satan or Beelzebub.

Group- E
6. Answer any one question of the following (in 450 words):                                                                 14x1
(a) How does Pope portray Belinda in his poem “The Rape of the Lock”?
(b) Evaluate Pope’s Rapeof the Lock as a mock-heroic poem.

7. Write notes (in around 150 words)on any two of the following literary terms:                              4x2
        i.            Horeetian Ode
      ii.            Conceit
    iii.            Imagery
     iv.            Refrain

If you wish to check out more C.U. English Honours questions papers then give a simple click here.

Wise Notes is available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.
Boost Your CU English Honours Preparation with Wise Notes
We also provide high quality C.U. English Honours notes with our exceptional collection called 'Wise Notes'. Buy it and boost your preparation for the upcoming examination. Wise Notes are available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.

Eager to buy Wise Notes: Click Here.
Wish to know more about Wise Notes: Click Here.        
Get in touch with us for more information: Click Here.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

C.U. English Honours Part-I Question Paper 2016 [First Paper]

For the First Time On Internet you are going to get all the question papers for C.U. English Honours Course on a website. We have designed a remarkable product for the Calcutta University English Honours students called Wise Notes and it brings a wide number of answers to the questions usually asked in the Calcutta University examinations. Don't forget to scroll down to know more about the Wise Notes.

First Paper
Full Marks-100
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Three questions will have to be answered (one question of 16 marks and two questions of 7 marks each) taking only one from each section. Examinees are not allowed to answer twice from the same section.
(O.E. Period- 1750)
1. Assess Chaucer contribution to the development of English literature.                                               16
2. Write short notes on the following (each in 250 words):                                                                          7X2
(a) Anglo-Saxon Chronicles
(b) Caedmon
3. Is it fair to say that Jacobean drama was a decadent form of Elizabethan drama? Discuss with special reference to any two Jacobean playwrights.                                                                               16
4. Write short notes on the following (each in 250 words):                             7X2
(a) Amoretta
(b) Andrew Marvell
5. Give an account of 18th century periodical essays, focusing on any two authors.                  16
6. Write short notes on the following (each in 250 words):                             7X2
(a) Hudibrass
(b) Laurence Sterne

Three questions will have to be answered (one question of 16 marks and two questions of 7 marks each) taking only one from each section. Examinees are not allowed to answer twice from the same section.
7. Write an essay on the features of the Romantic Revival with special reference to any two poets.
8. Write short notes on the following (each in 250 words):                             7X2
(a) Kenilworth
(b) Thomas Grey
9. Give an account of Victorian non-fiction prose literature with special reference to any two authors.                                                                                                                                 16
10. Write short notes on the following (each in 250 words):                             7X2
(a) Oscar Wilde
(b) In Memoriam
11. Give an account of English poetry between the two World War.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
12. Write short notes on the following (each in 250 words):                             7X2
(a) D.H. Lawrence
(b) Murder in the Cathedral
13. Answer any one of the following (in 450 words):
(a) Assess the role of the Scandinavian influence in shaping the English language.                                                                                  
(b) Examining the consequence of the Battle of Hastings (1066) for the English language.                                                                                                                                               
14. Write word notes on any four:                                                                                                                 2X4
Island, bishop, egg, spinster, dream, picture, burgle, vixen.
Group- C
15. Answer any one of the following (in 450 words):
(a) Discuss any two regular processes whereby native resources are utilized to form new words in English.
 (b) Examine the differences between British English and American English.
16.  Answer any one of the following (in 300 words):
(a) Comment on Shakespeare as a ‘maker’ of the English Language.                                           8
(b) Explain Grimm ’s Law with examples.                                                                                                8
 (c) Examine how translations of the Bible have enriched the English language.                                 8           

If you wish to check out more C.U. English Honours questions papers then give a simple click here.

Wise Notes is available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.
Boost Your CU English Honours Preparation with Wise Notes
We also provide high quality C.U. English Honours notes with our exceptional collection called 'Wise Notes'. Buy it and boost your preparation for the upcoming examination. Wise Notes are available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.

Eager to buy Wise Notes: Click Here.
Wish to know more about Wise Notes: Click Here.        
Get in touch with us for more information: Click Here.