
Friday, 27 June 2014



(Only for B.A and B.SC. students.) 

Past few weeks we are getting a large number of queries regarding the upcoming the examination schedule form our online visitors. We had already provided the dates on our Facebook Profile and Google + Page few days back. You all can check from there by clicking on the FB icon or Google + icon on the right had upper corner of our blog.

The Schedule or Routine for B.A. & B.Sc. Honours Examinations 2014.

The Schedule or Routine for B.A. General Examinations 2014.

These could also be downloaded from University Official Website:

If you need any more additional help or need clarification of the dates, contact us at our official email-id:

We also have pdf files of the examination schedules. It could be provided through e-mail.

Keep visiting our blog.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

C.U. English Honours Question Paper 2012 [Second Paper]


One of the most important year for English Honours Students. 
The syllabus of English Honours was changed in 2010. And in the subsequent years i.e. 2011 and 2012, the Question Paper format was revised twice to make it tougher for the students. Now this format makes it impossible to leave any sections aside. A student would have to study thoroughly covering the entire syllabus in order to succeed. 

Best of Luck for you all. 

It is the first time on the internet you are going to find all the years QP’s for English Honours.
Second Paper
Full Marks-100
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
1. Answer any one question of the following (in 500 words):                                                               14X1
(a) “John Donne’s The Good Morrow is an unconventional love poem”. Discuss?
(b) Comment on the Blake use of symbols in “The Lamb” and “The Tiger”.
2. Answer any two questions of the following (each within 500 words):                                          14X2
(a) Wordsworth’s ”Tintern Abbey” is an autobiographical poem. Do you agree? Justify your answer.
(b) Critically analyse Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan” as a romantic poem.
(c) In ‘To a Skylark’ Shelly tells its reader that his skylark is much more than an ordinary bird. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
(d)  Write critical appreciation of John Keats’s ‘To Autumn’
3. Explain any one of the following with reference to the context (each in 250 words):                   8X1
(a) But at the back I always hear
Time’s winged chariot hurrying near:
And yonder all before us lie
Deserts of vast eternity

(b) Be through my lips to unawaken’d earth
The trumpet of a prophecy! O wind.
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind

4. Answer any one question of the following (in 500 words):                                                            14X1
(a) Comment on the theme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet no. 87.
(b) What ideas of love emerge out of the confessions of the poet in ‘My mistress eyes…?

5.  Answer any one question of the following (in 500 words):                                                            14X1
(a) In “Paradise Lost”, Book I Milton uses a number of epic conventions. Discuss.
(b) What idea do you form of Satan from your reading of his speeches in “Paradise Lost”, Book I? ’
Group- E
6. Answer any one question of the following (in 450 words):                                                                 14x1
(a) Critically examine Pope’s “The Rape of The Lock” as a mock epic.
(b) Comment on the Pope’s treatment of Belinda in The Rape of The Lock.
7. Write notes (in around 150 words)on any two of the following literary terms:                              4x2
         i.            Conceit
       ii.            Heroic Couplet
      iii.            Carpe Diem
     iv.            Imagery

You can download the MS WORD file of C.U. English Honours Question Paper.
More Question Papers:
Wise Notes is available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.
Boost Your CU English Honours Preparation with Wise Notes
We also provide high quality C.U. English Honours notes with our exceptional collection called 'Wise Notes'. Buy it and boost your preparation for the upcoming examination. Wise Notes are available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.

Eager to buy Wise Notes: Click Here.
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Saturday, 14 June 2014

C.U. English Honours Question Paper 2012 [First Paper]


One of the most important year for English Honours Students. 
The syllabus of English Honours was changed in 2010. And in the subsequent years i.e. 2011 and 2012, the Question Paper format was revised twice to make it tougher for the students. Now this format makes it impossible to leave any sections aside. A student would have to study thoroughly covering the complete syllabus. 

A better way to study is to make a choice regarding the short and long answers. Mark the sections from where you wish to study only long answers and then then prepare the short answers from the other two sections only.

Best of Luck for you all. 

It is the first time on the internet you are going to find all the years QP’s for English Honours.

3 WAYS OF GETTING C.U. Question Papers:
*      Just copy the given Question Paper and paste it in MS Word. Take Print Out. Easy.
*      You can directly print the whole page by going to the File menu in your browser, and then click on Print.
*      Just DOWNLOAD it from the given Link.

First Paper
Full Marks-100
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Three questions will have to be answered (one question of 16 marks and two questions of 7 marks each) taking only one from each section. Examinees are not allowed to answer twice from the same section.
(O.E. Period- 1750)
1. Write a short essay on Old English Christian Poetry?                                                    16
2. Write short notes on the following (each in 250 words):                                                7X2
(a) Battle of Maldon
(b)The Canterbury Tales
3. Critically assess the contribution of the University Wits to English Drama.                     16
4. Write short notes on the following (each in 250 words):                                               7X2
(a) Francis Bacon
(b) Faerie Queene
5. Assess the importance of Augustan Satire with reference to any two authors.                   16
6. Write short notes on the following (each in 250 words):                                                   7X2
(a) John Milton
(b) Gulliver Travels

Three questions will have to be answered (one question of 16 marks and two questions of 7 marks each) taking only one from each section. Examinees are not allowed to answer twice from the same section.
7. The Romantic Revival in English Poetry is a ‘return to nature’. Do you agree? Justify your answer.
8. Write short notes on the following (each in 250 words):                             7X2
(a) Jane Austen
(b) William Blake
9. Give an account of the Victorian non-fiction prose with special reference to the works of any two authors.                                                                                                                                                   16
10. Write short notes on the following (each in 250 words):                             7X2
(a) Charles Dickens
(b) In Memoriam
11. Write an essay on the Theatre of the Absurd.                                                                                    16
12. Write short notes on the following (each in 250 words):                             7X2
(a) Siegfried Sassoon
(b) Salmon Rushdie
13. Answer any one of the following (in 450 words):
(a) There has been uninterrupted possibility of Latin influence on the English Language. Answer with illustrations.                                                                                                                                                          12
(b) Bring out with illustrations any two important aspects of the Scandinavian influence on the English language.                                                                                                                                                 12
14. Write word notes on any four:                                                                                                                 2X4
Assassination, egg, island, children, by-law, picture, admiral, trusteeship.
Group- C
15. Answer any one of the following (in 450 words):
(a) Discuss any two ‘regular processes’ by which the native resources are utilized to form new words In English.
(b) Assess the American influence on the English language.
16.  Answer any one of the following (in 300 words):
(a) Verner’s Law and its significance.                                                                                        8
(b) Examine Shakespeare’s influence on the English Language.                                                   8
(c) Bring out the influence of biblical phrases and words on the English Language.                       8

You can download the MS WORD file of C.U. English Honours Question Paper.

More Question Papers:
If you are looking for question papers for Part-2, then give a click below.

Wise Notes is available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.
Boost Your CU English Honours Preparation with Wise Notes
We also provide high quality C.U. English Honours notes with our exceptional collection called 'Wise Notes'. Buy it and boost your preparation for the upcoming examination. Wise Notes are available for First and Second Semester student at highly affordable price.

Eager to buy Wise Notes: Click Here.
Wish to know more about Wise Notes: Click Here.        
Get in touch with us for more information: Click Here.